How to Install the SmartDoor™ Connected Pet Door in a Non-Metal Door

Before installing the SmartDoor™, make sure:

Important: Remove the batteries from the pet door prior to installation.

Mark the Pet Door Location

Measure pet's heightMeasure pet's height

Measure your pet’s shoulder height when standing. Make a note of this measurement.

If you have more than one pet, measure the tallest one.

Make a pencil mark at your pet’s shoulder height on the interior side of the door. Using a level, extend the line several inches in both directions.

This will help you place the cutting template correctly. The pet door must be installed level to work properly.

Draw vertical lineDraw vertical line

Make a second pencil mark on your door, 3 inches above the floor.

Draw a vertical line where you want the center of the pet door to be. Using a level, extend the line several inches in both directions.

If your door has inset panels, consider how best to position the pet door to avoid gaps between the pet door frames and the door.

Position the Cutting Template

Position cutting templetsPosition cutting templets

Cut out the cutting template for non-metal doors.

Hold the cutting template up to your door, matching the shoulder and center lines on the cutting template with the shoulder and center lines you drew on the door.

Note where the bottom of the cutting template is and make any necessary adjustments:

  • The bottom of the cutting template must be at or above the line you drew 3 inches above the floor.
  • If you have both large and small pets, make sure your shorter pets will be able to step up over the bottom edge of the pet door.

Important: Some doors have internal support frames along the perimeter of the door. To maintain the structural integrity of your door, make sure the cutting template is at least 3 inches from the edge of the door on all sides.

If there is an immediate step down outside the door, your may need to provide an outdoor step for your pets to ensure they can use the pet door easily, both coming and going.

Use pencil to trace outlineUse pencil to trace outline

Once you are satisfied with the placement of the cutting template, tape it to the door.

Use a pencil to trace the outside of the cutting template. Remember to connect the corners.

Make sure the cutting line is clearly marked on the door, and then carefully remove the cutting template and excess tape.

Cut the Opening

Remove door for cuttingRemove door for cutting

If desired, remove your door from its hinges and place it on a raised, level surface, such as two sawhorses. The interior side of the door should face up.

This is optional but removing the door from its hinges does make it a little easier to cut the opening for the pet door.

Important: Make sure there is nothing behind or underneath the door where you will cut the opening.

Drill pilot holesDrill pilot holes

Drill ½-inch (12 mm) holes through the door, just inside the corners of the cutting line. Hold the drill steady, straight and level.

These will be the pilot holes for the jigsaw blade.

Use jigsaw to cut doorUse jigsaw to cut door

Using a jigsaw, cut between the holes you just drilled, along the cutting line. Use both hands to hold the jigsaw firmly against the door.

Make sure your jigsaw blade is appropriate for the door material you are cutting through (wood, PVC, etc.) and at least 1 inch longer than the thickness of the door.

If you removed your door from its hinges, rehang it now.

Install the Pet Door

Insert interior frame into doorInsert interior frame into door

Insert the interior frame into the opening on the interior side of the door. Make sure the interior frame is level in the opening.

Have a helper hold the interior frame for you, or tape it in place while you go to the exterior side of the door to fit the exterior frame.

Place exterior door and mark holesPlace exterior door and mark holes

Place the exterior frame on the exterior side of the door, fitting it over the tunnel of the interior frame.

Make sure the exterior frame is level.

Hold the exterior frame in place and mark the holes for the screws with a pencil.

Remove the interior and exterior frames.

Drill holes through doorDrill holes through door

Drill 5/16-inch (8 mm) holes through the door at the marked locations. Hold the drill steady, straight and level.

Measure the thickness of your door and determine which screws you will use for installation. If your door is:

  • Less than 1 inch thick, use the 1 9/16-inch (40 mm) screws.
  • Between 1 inch and 2 ¼ inches thick, use the 3 5/32-inch (80 mm) screws.
Complete assemblyComplete assembly

Place the interior and exterior frames back in the opening. Make sure both frames are level.

Holding both frames in place, insert the selected screws through the holes in the exterior frame, through the holes in the door, and into the holes on the back of the exterior frame.

Tighten the screws with a manual #2 Phillips (crosshead) screwdriver. Do not overtighten.

Insert blanking plugsInsert blanking plugs

Reinstall the batteries in the pet door.

Insert blanking plugs into the holes in the exterior frame.

Apply caulk to doorApply caulk to door

On the exterior side of the door, apply exterior-grade caulk around the edge of:

  • The pet door tunnel where it meets the exterior frame.
  • The exterior frame, making sure to leave the weep hole open at the bottom of the exterior frame.

Now that your pet door is installed, it is time to train your pet to use it! See How to Train Your Pet to Use the SmartDoor™ Connected Pet Door.

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