How to Train Your Pet to Use the SmartDoor™ Connected Pet Door

It is critical that you spend time training your pet to use his new SmartDoor™ Connected Pet Door, even if he is accustomed to using a pet door. The SmartDoor™ will look, sound and behave differently than his previous pet door. 

For complete training instructions, see our video and guide below:

As you train your pet, keep in mind:

  • Start your training with the door in Standard Mode. Only move on to Smart Mode when instructed to do so in the training guide. This will help preserve battery life.

  • Follow the training steps provided to introduce your pet to the sound of the door locking and unlocking before expecting him to move through the opening. It is common for pets to be apprehensive about the sounds the pet door makes at first; this apprehension will fade over time as your pet becomes accustomed to the pet door.

  • When you are training your pet to use the door in Smart Mode, with you on one side of the door and your pet on the other, step back from the pet door and try to reduce your motion. There are motion sensors on both sides of the door; if you are activating the sensor on your side of the pet door, the sensor on the other side of the door will be slower to recognize your pet’s fob or microchip on the other side of the pet door and the pet door will take longer to unlock.

  • It is common for a pet to become accustomed to moving through the door in one direction before gaining confidence in the other direction.

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