The Boundary on My PetSafe® Stay & Play® Fence is Inconsistent

It is normal for your boundary to fluctuate some.
- This chart indicates the accepted variances in signal.
- If you find that your boundary fluctuates more than a few feet, there may be something causing interference with the signal. Reduce the number of electronic devices surrounding the base unit.
- Additionally, you can account for fluctuation when you are setting up the training flags by moving them inward by 5%.

The signal of the Stay & Play® Fence is linear or straight out from the base unit. If the yard is sloped, the pet can fall below the signal causing a correction in the safe zone.
A containment area that is significantly sloped may experience a smaller containment area. Contact Customer Care for alternative solutions if you are unable to achieve an adequate containment area.

- Visit How to Select a Suitable Location for the PetSafe® Stay &Play® Fence to verify your base unit is in a suitable location.
- Verify your settings have not been inadvertently changed.

If the issue presents itself in the same area of the containment area, check the area for large metal objects and remove them from the area or train the pet to avoid entering the area if the object is too large to remove.
Contact Customer Care
If you need further assistance, please contact our customer care team.