My PetSafe® ScoopFree® SmartSpin™ Self-Cleaning Litter Does Not Last Long or Has a Strong Odor

Empty the waste bin and ensure a liner is in use.

Change the deodorant cartridge every 15 days. They can be purchased on PetSafe®.com.

Ensure high-quality clumping litter is in use.

Clean Delay HighlightedClean Delay Highlighted

Adjust the cleaning delay in the app. A longer cleaning delay may be necessary to allow clumps to harden. We recommend a 20-minute cleaning delay. This may vary depending on the type and brand of your clumping litter.

Completely disassemble and clean the box. Visit How to Disassemble and Clean the PetSafe® ScoopFree® SmartSpin™ Self-Cleaning Litter Box for assistance with thorough cleaning.

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