My Dog is Running Through the Boundary of My PetSafe® Brand Pet Fence

Make sure your wall unit is powered on and has a loop light.

  1. If your transmitter does not have power, click HERE.
  2. If you do not have a loop light, click HERE.

Verify your collar is set to a level higher than 1. Level 1 is a tone-only level and will not deliver a static correction. For help checking and changing the levels, click HERE.

Test your collar for correction using the Test Light Tool. Click HERE for assistance using the Test Light Tool.

If your collar is delivering a static correction: ensure the collar fits correctly on your pet. Improper fit can cause the pet not to feel the correction. Verify collar fit HERE. In colder months, your pet’s fur will become thicker and may require a change to the long contact points.

If your collar is not delivering a static correction: perform a Systems Test. For instructions on how to perform the Systems Test, click HERE.

If the system functions normally on the test, continue to step 5.

If your pet builds a tolerance to the correction level used, his recognition level may have changed. Increase the static correction one level and see how he responds. For help identifying his recognition level, click HERE.

Retrain the pet to the containment system. Follow the step-by-step instructions located HERE.

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If you need further assistance, please contact our customer care team.

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