How to Acclimate Your Dog to the Happy Ride® Backpack Pet Carrier

Before You Begin

  • Acclimate your pet while in a controlled environment, such as indoors, where your pet is comfortable.
  • Keep sessions short and give your pet a break if they become anxious.
  • Only move to the next step when your pet seems comfortable.

Interact Through Curiosity


Place the pet carrier on the ground with the front panel unzipped and rolled up, held with the loop and toggle button.

Allow your pet to approach and explore the pet carrier on his own. Offer rewards such as treat and praise for interacting with the carrier.

When your pet is comfortable being around the carrier, encourage him to go inside the carrier, or gently place them. You can place treats inside the carrier through the front opening or loosen the drawstring opening and place treats through the side.

DO NOT force your pet into the carrier or force them to stay in the carrier if they want to get out.


When your pet is comfortable being in the carrier, move to zipping the front panel closed. Spend a few sessions with the panel closed while your pet is inside. When they are comfortable with this, then try this with your pet wearing a harness and attaching the safety tether.

DO NOT attach the safety tether to a collar, only use with a harness.

Get Comfortable with Movement

Always make sure the drawstring opening is closed securely before using as a backpack or in a vehicle.

Carefully lift the pet carrier off the ground with your pet secured inside, and place on shoulders. Slowly walk around the house, letting your pet get comfortable with movement.

For information on preparing for walking, go to our article on How to Use the Happy Ride® Backpack Pet Carrier as a Backpack.

Go for a Ride


Once your pet is comfortable with movement while being secured in the pet carrier, you can try taking them for a ride. Keep the driving sessions short while offering praise and treats.

For information on preparing for riding, go to our article on How to Install the Happy Ride® Backpack Pet Carrier in Your Vehicle.

This product may not be the best fit for your pet if he is exhibiting anxious behaviors like chewing, digging, or scratching.

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