What do the Icons Mean on My PetSafe® 5 Meal Pet Feeder?

Display Icons

Display iconsDisplay icons


Displays AM/PM when using 12-hour time format.


Displays current time or time of scheduled meal.

Suspend Feeding Icon

Indicates all scheduled meals are currently suspended.

Daily Feeding Time Indicator

Indicates which meal number is next.


This icon is for a function that was not included on this model. It has no effect on the feeder’s operation. If you would like to remove the icon from the screen, press and hold the Suspend Feeding button for 10 seconds, then release.

Button Icons

Button iconsButton icons


Return to the current time. Begins programming mode or exits programming mode.


Confirms selection.

Suspend Feeding

Pauses all scheduled meals.

Feed Now

Rotates the bowl to the next meal slot.


Decreases the hours/minutes when programming. Returns to the previous mealtime.


Increases the hours/minutes when programming. Advances to the next mealtime.

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