Understanding your Happy Ride® Bicycle Basket


Where your pet sits during the ride.

Safety Tether
Prevents your pet from jumping out of the basket.

Sunshade Pockets
Supports the optional sunshade.

Safety Straps
Provides stability during the ride.


Shoulder Strap Attachments
Connects the basket to the shoulder strap.

Wire Bracket
Slides into the back pocket of the basket to attach the basket to your bicycle.

Adjustable Brace
Provides support to the wire bracket from your bicycle frame. Adjusts to keep the basket level.

Handlebar Mounts
Anchors the wire bracket assembly to your bicycle.

Back Pocket
Slides onto the wire bracket to attach the basket to your bicycle.


Optional cover that can be attached to the basket.

Shoulder Strap
Attaches to the basket to convert to a pet carrier.

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