The Tray is Misaligned on My PetSafe® 5 Meal Pet Feeder

Important Information

Misalignment of the tray can be caused by:

  • Food or debris caught under the tray or in the gear area, preventing proper rotation of the tray.
  • Your pet pushing against the side of the bowl while eating.
  • Low battery power preventing full movement from one bowl to another.

Lift the tray to remove and check underneath for any food or debris that may be causing a jam. Use a vacuum or compressed air to clean out the area.

Replace the tray and gently rotate it so that the bowl is aligned to the lid opening.

Press the Feed Now button and wait for the tray to rotate to the next bowl.

Replace the batteries if the tray continues to misalign. Only use new Alkaline batteries that are all the same. Batteries of different charge levels or different manufacturers can cause misalignment.

For more information, visit our article How to Replace the Batteries in My PetSafe® 5 Meal Feeder.

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