Soft Point Training Collar Not Working for Your Dog

If the Soft Point Training Collar has not been effective in teaching your dog to stop pulling on the leash while walking, consider the following tips:

Be Patient and Consistent

If your dog is still pulling on a leash, he may need more time using the collar. Sometimes it can take a while for dogs to make the connection between the action of pulling and the discomfort from the collar. Remember to be patient and consistent with your dog as he goes through this learning process. Offer lots of rewards for good behavior. Try to keep training sessions to under 15 minutes.

For more information on training, see our article on Training Your Dog With the Soft Point Training Collar.

Check the Size and Fit

Having the collar correctly sized and fit is crucial for effective training. If the collar is too loose or too tight, it will not be able to provide the proper pressure when your dog creates tension on the leash.

Consider Alternatives

Each dog has a unique personality and training needs. What may work best for some dogs may not be the best fit for your dog. If your collar is correctly fit and you are not seeing any progress with consistent training, it might be time to consider an alternative training device for your dog.

Some alternative No-Pull Solutions are the Gentle Leader® Headcollar and the Easy Walk® Harness.

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