Plan Your SmartDoor™ Connected Pet Door Installation

Some installation locations require additional PetSafe accessories or professional help. See the table below to find out what you will need and where to go for step-by-step installation instructions.

Important: If you are installing the SmartDoor™ in a door or wall, you will need to check your door or wall for metal and then select the appropriate installation procedure based on what you find. This is important because, if not accounted for, metallic building materials can interfere with the sensor in the SmartDoor, affecting performance.

To check for metal in your:

  • Door – Drill a small hole in your door at the center of where you expect the pet door opening to be. Inspect the shavings that came out of the hole you created for the presence of metal.
  • Wall – Cut a small hole in your wall at the center of where you expect the pet door opening to be. Look inside to check for the presence of metal.

To Install the SmartDoor™ in:

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