Pet Loo™ Pet Toilet Set Up
Table of Contents
Welcome to your Pet Loo Pet Toilet.
Portable pet toilet for use almost anywhere.
Removable container for easy cleaning.
Acclimation time will vary depending on the pet.

Pet Loo base
Plastic base that holds the synthetic grass and removable collection bin.
Synthetic grass
Removable, cleanable and reusable grass that collects pets waste.
Slanted tray
Directs urine passed through the grass into a collection bin.
Pee-Pod™ Tray
Included with starter kit. Neatly collects urine using the Wee Sponge™.
Collection bin
Removable waste container that catches urine.
Step 1: Assembly
Please have the following contents from the box ready prior to set up:

Pet Loo base

Grass pad

Collection bin

Pee-Pod™ Tray

Wee Sponge™

Place the Pet Loo™ in your desired location. This product can be placed indoors and outdoors.
Note: A level surface is recommended.

Pour one scoop of Wee Sponge™ powder into the Pee-Pod™ tray.

Place the tray with powder into the collection bin.

Close the collection bin with the tray and powder inside.

Attach the clips to hold the synthetic grass in place.
Step 2: Acclimation
Acclimation time will vary with each pet. Most pets adapt quickly due to the real feeling of the synthetic grass.

Place your pet on the pet loo when your pet would typically use the bathroom. Such as: after sleeping, eating or playing.

Keep your pet on the pet loo until they use the bathroom. Encourage with praise during this time.

After use, reward your pet with treats and praise. Repeat these steps until your pet is acclimated to the pet loo.
Note: To aid in training, we recommend the Petsafe® Skip To My Loo House Training Scent.
You Will Need:

Wee Care Pet Loo Enzyme Cleaner

Optional: Replacement grass pad

Pee-Pod™ Tray

Wee Sponge™
Clean the Tray and Collection Bin
The collection bin holds 2 liters of liquid. The frequency of cleaning the bin will depend on the number of pets using the Pet Loo™.

Open the collection bin to reveal the expanded wee sponge.

Dispose of the entire pee-pod tray.

Lift the grass and wipe the tray with a warm damp cloth and wee care.
Note: An unscented soap can be used in replacement for Wee Care.

Pour one scoop of wee sponge powder into a new pee-pod tray.

Place the tray with powder into the collection bin.

Close the collection bin with the tray and powder inside.
Maintaining the Synthetic Grass
The following cleaning steps are based on recommendation. The need and frequency of cleaning will vary depending on the number of pets using the Pet Loo™.

Pour warm water over the synthetic grass to flush out extra urine.
2-3 Times Per Week

Spray with Wee Care cleaner and allow to dry completely.

Thoroughly spray Wee Care cleaner and let sit for 5-10 minutes.

Remove grass and rinse with warm water. Allow to dry completely.
Replacement Grass (optional)

Have additional grass pads on hand to rotate through while the other is being cleaned and dried.