My PetSafe® ScatMat® Indoor Training Mat Static Correction Is Inconsistent
Confirm the mat is only being used indoors.

Confirm that the pet is touching two wires at the same time when stepping on the mat. The mat will not activate if only one wire is being touched.

Power the controller off by pressing and holding the power button until the display goes blank. Ensure both the controller snaps are snapped securely to the mat and the hooks on the controller are aligned with the holes in the mat.
Check the mat for damaged wires. If any wires are cut or bent, a new mat can be purchased at
Make sure the mat is flat and has nothing placed on top of it when it is in use.

Recalibrate the mat and controller. Turn the controller off and place the mat in the intended location. Turn the controller on by pressing and releasing the power button on the left side of the controller. Allow your mat to calibrate for five minutes. It is important that the mat is not touched or moved during calibration. The display will show two dashes during calibration mode and a tone may be audible.
Pet and Human should be 3 feet away from the mat during calibration.