My PetSafe® 300/600/900 Yard Remote Trainer Has Reduced Range
How It Works
The system range is the distance the collar will respond to the remote signal in an area free from obstructions. You may experience slightly reduced range if you are indoors, in a hilly area, or in an area with many obstructions like buildings, vehicles, or dense tree coverage.
Confirm Power and Battery Charge
Start by making sure both the collar and remote are fully charged and have power.
- When any button on the remote is pressed, the screen should turn on and display the level of correction and a full battery icon.
- While powered on, the collar should flash a green light once every 5 seconds.
If either device doesn’t have a full charge or power, fully charge before proceeding.
For detailed information, visit our article How To Charge My PetSafe® 100/300/600/900 Yard Trainer Remote & Collar.
Test Each Function
Set the correction level to 7 on the remote. Using your Test Light Tool, touch the Contact Point on the collar to the wires on the tool. Then press and hold the upper right button on the remote. The light on the collar should turn red and an amber light will flicker in the center of the Test Light Tool.
Press and hold the upper left button on your remote. The collar should start beeping.
Decrease the correction level to 0 using the lower left side button. Then press and hold the upper right button on the remote. The collar should start vibrating.
For more detailed information, check out our article on How To Test Each Function on My PetSafe® 300/600/900 Yard Remote Trainer.
If none of these functions are working, you may need to pair your remote and collar. For instructions, visit our article How to Pair My PetSafe® 300/600/900 Yard Trainer Remote and Collar.
Test the Range
Testing the range is best performed outside with two people.
Person 1: Remote Holder- Presses and holds the button on the remote.
Person 2: Collar Holder- Confirms if the collar is performing the function.

Begin with both people standing about 10 feet apart.
Remote Holder
Hold the remote above your head with your arm outstretched. Press and hold the top right button on the remote.
Collar Holder
Confirm the collar is vibrating.
If confirmed, the remote holder can release the button and separate an additional 10 feet.
Repeat steps 2 & 3.
You may experience slightly reduced range if you are in a hilly area, or in an area with many obstructions like buildings, vehicles, or dense tree coverage.
Check the Fit
If you find the collar responds to the remote up to the appropriate range, check the fit of the collar on your dog. If the collar is not making the proper skin contact, he will not consistently feel the static stimulation.
For more information, visit our article on How To Properly Fit My PetSafe® 100/300/600/900 Remote Trainer Collar on My Dog.
Contact Customer Care
If you test the range and find the collar stops responding after a certain distance but is still within the expected range, please contact our customer care team.