I Can’t Change the Stimulation Level on My PetSafe® Elite Big Dog or Elite Little Dog Trainer
When your trainer is in 2-dog mode, the stimulation levels are locked. You could have intentionally put your trainer in 2-dog mode or on accident by unintentionally pressing buttons.

If you are unsure if your trainer is in 2-dog mode, you can check by looking for a 2nd dog head on your remote’s display.
- If you intentionally put your trainer in 2-dog mode but would still like to change one or both of your dog’s stimulation levels, visit How to Change the Stimulation Level on My PetSafe® Elite Big or Little Dog Trainer.
- If you only have one collar paired to your remote, and you accidentally changed your trainer to 2-dog mode, visit How to Remove Dog 2 from My PetSafe® Elite Big or Little Dog Trainer.
Contact Customer Care
If you need further assistance, please contact our customer care team.