How to Use the Reusable Litter Tray in the PetSafe® ScoopFree® Litter Boxes

Litter Tray UpLitter Tray Up

Stand the litter box on its flat end and place the reusable tray underneath the litter box. The small trap section of the pan must align with the waste trap lid when the litter box is lowered.

Lower the litter box over the reusable tray.

Installing Litter GuardInstalling Litter Guard

Lift the waste trap lid on the litter box and connect the magnetic bar to the magnets on the waste trap lid and the angled side of the bar faces towards the inside of the waste trap.

Fill the tray with the pre-portioned bag of ScoopFree® Natural Litter or ScoopFree® Premium Crystal Litter and spread it evenly across the litter pan. If you are using the 8-pound resealable bag of ScoopFree® Litter, fill the tray until there is 2 inches of litter spread evenly across the litter box.

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