How to Train Your Pet to a Guardian® GPS Connected Customizable Fence: Phase 4 Supervised Off-Leash Play Days 9-30

Only begin the supervised play phase of training once all other phases have been mastered. Some phases may need to be revisited. It is important not to rush training. Rushing training can confuse or scare the pet. It can also lead to issues with the pet running through the boundary.

Phase 4: Supervised Off-Leash Play

Retain the settings on the collar from the previous training sessions.

Play with your dog for a while during the first few sessions. If he does not try to cross the boundary, allow your pet to freely explore, but stay close by with a leash on hand.

  • Continue watching your dog. If he escapes, remove the collar, and lead the pet back into the pet area. Start these sessions at about 15 minutes and gradually work up to an hour or more. When your pet proves trustworthy, he can go out on his own, but you should continue to check on your pet regularly.

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