How to Train Your Pet to a Guardian® GPS Connected Customizable Fence: Phase 2 Learn to Avoid the Boundary Area Days 2-4

Training your pet to use the Guardian® GPS Connected Customizable Fence is necessary to successfully contain your pet. This process should not be rushed. Patience, consistency, and a minimum time commitment of 15 days is required. Each pet is different and may require more time, but less time is not ideal. There should be 2-3 training sessions daily and kept to 10-15 minutes each. Pets can be sensitive, so it is important to keep a positive and upbeat attitude. If you become frustrated, so will your pet.

Before You Begin:

You will need to place a regular collar on your pet in addition to the GPS Collar. You will also need a leash and some of your pet’s favorite treats.

Phase 2: Learn to Avoid the Boundary Area

Explore and Learn the Pet AreaExplore and Learn the Pet Area

Attach the leash to the pet’s regular collar, not the GPS collar, and with treats on hand, allow your pet to explore the pet area.

  • For best results, train your dog on the portion of your boundary that has the clearest view of the sky. Approach the boundary in a wide zig-zag pattern (moving side to side, parallel, and gradually moving closer) to ensure you have control over whether your dog receives a warning tone or a static correction.

Please note that boundaries created using GPS technology are affected by several factors such as satellite positions and weather. Your dog will be warned and corrected in a general area, not at an exact location every time.

dog on leash looks curiousdog on leash looks curious

Let your pet cross the boundary and hear the tone from the collar and receive the static correction. Observe your pet for a response to the correction. This may be an ear flick, skin twitch, a look of curiosity or a scratch at the collar.

Train your pet at the same location of the boundary area until they resist leaving the pet area. Repeat the process on all sections of the boundary area. Remember to not rush the process and to train at the pet’s pace. This can extend the 3 days estimated for this step of training. Your property size will also factor into the timing as well.

Once your pet resists leaving the pet area on their own, proceed to How to Train Your Pet to a Guardian® GPS Connected Customizable Fence: Phase 3 Train to Resist Distractions and Temptations.

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