How to Train Your Pet Not to Pull Using the PetSafe® Comfort Harness

Before you begin, you will need to use a 6-foot nylon leash, reward treats, and have the harness properly fit on your pet. Visit How to Fit the PetSafe® Comfort Harness to ensure the harness fits correctly.

Do not use a retractable leash of any kind.

Attach Leash To D RingAttach Leash To D Ring

Attach a 6-foot nylon leash to the chest attachment point.

Loose LeashLoose Leash

Hold the leash so your dog has enough leash to walk by your side in the heel position but not enough to forge ahead.

redirect pullingredirect pulling

As soon as you feel tension on the leash, redirect your pet’s attention by changing direction or stopping. Once your pet has returned to the heel position beside you and is no longer pulling, praise and reward your pet.

Important Callouts

  • Do not let your dog dictate speed.
  • When redirecting your pet, pull the leash firmly from side to side. Do not jerk or yank the leash.
  • When your pet is walking with a loose leash, praise and reward often with a calm and pleasant voice. Mark the wanted behavior with a “YES!”
  • You will need to remain calm. Never yell or scold. If you become frustrated, so will your pet. End a session before becoming frustrated.
  • Keep training sessions short but frequent in duration at first. Once your pet shows signs of pulling less, increase the duration of the sessions.

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