How to Train My Dog to Stop Pulling on Walks with the PetSafe® Gentle Leader®

  • Do not leave your pet unattended while wearing the headcollar. This is a training collar and should be removed from your dog between walks.
  • The Gentle Leader® is not recommended for jogging, running, bike attachments or couplers.
  • Dogs learn best with consistent training. The time it takes to be fully trained will vary from dog to dog.
  • Training can be overwhelming for some dogs. Try to keep training sessions to no more than 15 minutes.
  • Properly fitting the Gentle Leader® on your dog is imperative to your dog’s comfort and successful training. For detailed instructions, visit our article How to Properly Fit the PetSafe® Gentle Leader® on My Dog.

Important: Only use a standard 4 to 6 foot nylon leash. Do not use a retractable or bungee leash.

Support training with rewards

For effective training, use rewards to support good behavior. When your dog stops pulling, immediately release all tension on the leash and reward your dog. This will communicate to your dog that not pulling is the desired behavior. You can reward your dog with a tasty treat or by praising them in an excited tone.

Be sure to read all the fitting instructions before you begin walking your dog.

Begin Walking with Dog at SideBegin Walking with Dog at Side

Begin walking with your dog at your side, holding the leash with some slack but not enough so that your dog can walk several feet in front of you.

Hold Leash Firm and Stop WalkingHold Leash Firm and Stop Walking

If your dog starts pulling, do not tug suddenly on the leash. Simply hold the leash firmly and stop walking, allowing your dog to create tension on the leash. When your dog pulls against the leash, their nose and head will turn towards you.

As soon as your dog stops pulling, immediately release all the tension in the leash. Then reward your dog’s good behavior with praise or a treat.

Continue walking, repeating steps 2 and 3 each time your dog starts pulling. When your dog is walking calmly by your side, encourage them with treats and praise. Be sure to have no tension in the leash.

After walking, remove the headcollar from your dog.

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