How to Set-Up My PetSafe® SSSCAT® Spray

Choose the Best Location

Choose a location for the SSSCAT® Spray that meets the following:

  • Temperature is between 60°F and 80°F. 
  • Within 39 inches of the path your pet will cross.
  • Pointing in a way that your pet will pass in front of the unit instead of walking towards it.
  • Not near or pointed towards heat sources like HVAC vents, heaters, stovetops, ovens, etc. or somewhere that receives direct sunlight during the day. The heat can interfere with the motion sensor on the spray nozzle.

Do not use this device near pet birds as it can startle them.

Once you have selected a location for the unit, you can adjust the direction of the spray nozzle and the motion sensor.

Adjust the Settings

Spray Nozzle

Adjustable NozzleAdjustable Nozzle

The spray nozzle has 3 vertical settings. To adjust the direction, simply move the spray nozzle up or down.

Note: You will want to adjust the nozzle to a setting that will avoid spraying your pet in the face.

Motion Sensor

Adjustable SensorAdjustable Sensor

The motion sensor has 5 horizontal settings. To adjust the direction, simply rotate the sensor left or right.

Powering On or Off

Once you have placed the spray deterrent in your desired location and adjusted the nozzle and sensor, power on the unit. To do this, adjust the power switch on the back of the unit to the left “|” position.

When powering on the unit, you must wait 2 minutes for the sensor to calibrate before use or testing.

When not in use, power the unit off by adjusting the power switch to the right “O” position to conserve battery.

Contact Customer Care

If you need further assistance, please contact our customer care team.

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