How To Replace the Carbon Filter in My PetSafe® Multi-Tier Pet Fountain
Important Information
- Replace the filter every 2-4 weeks.
- It is recommended to disassemble and clean your fountain when needing to replace the filter. For detailed instructions, visit our article How To Disassemble and Clean My PetSafe® Multi-Tier Pet Fountain.
- Never wash the filter in the dishwasher or with soapy water as the soap residue will seep into the filter and cannot be removed. Only rinse the filter with water.
- Replacement Carbon Filters can be purchased from our website.

Unplug the power adaptor from the outlet. Disconnect the pump from the power adaptor. Then empty the fountain by pouring out any remaining water.

Remove the filter housing by pressing on both sides and lifting.

Pull up on the carbon filter to remove.

Rinse the new carbon filter thoroughly under cold water to remove any loose carbon dust. Insert the filter into the filter housing with the black side facing the pump.

Replace the filter housing on the bowl over the pump and filter. Press down firmly to ensure both sides snap into place.

Pick up the fountain by the bowl and place it in a desired location. Pour water into the bowl and the housing. Leave a ½ inch of space between the water level and the rim of the bowl.

Make sure the electrical power cord, the adaptor and your hands are completely dry. Connect the in-line plug and make sure no silver is showing, then plug the adaptor into a standard electrical wall outlet.