How to Fit Your Pet’s PetSafe® Brand Fence Collar

How to Fit a Dog Containment Collar

Different Contact PointsDifferent Contact Points

Start by making sure the contact points on the collar are the best length for your dog. The collar will come with short contact points installed, which will work for most dogs. If your dog has long or thick fur, or as thicker coats come in, it may be necessary to use the longer contact points that were included.

Style of contact points may vary by model.

Place Collar Around NeckPlace Collar Around Neck

While your pet is standing. Place the collar around your dog’s neck. The contact points should be centered directly under your dog’s chin, touching his skin. If you have installed the long contact points and they are not reaching the skin, it may be necessary to trim (not shave) the fur around the contact points.

Position Electronic PortionPosition Electronic Portion

Position the electronic part of the collar on the throat of the pet.

Check By Shifting CollarCheck By Shifting Collar

Tighten the collar strap so that the collar remains in this position. If the pet shakes or scratches at the collar it should not move. If it does, it is not tight enough. Check this by gently attempting to shift the collar on the pet’s neck. The skin should move with the collar. Additionally, you should be able to fit one finger behind the contact point while your pet is wearing the collar.

Measure & Trim Excess StrapMeasure & Trim Excess Strap

You may measure and trim the excess strap. Consider leaving some excess if your pet is not full grown. Once you have cut the strap, finish the end by melting it lightly with a lighter or a clear glue to prevent fraying.

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