How to Fit the PetSafe® Pawz Away® Barrier Collar on My Dog
Avoid leaving the collar on your pet for more than 12 hours per day to prevent skin irritation. If skin irritation does occur, stop using the collar and call your vet.

Start with your pet standing.

Place the collar below the pet’s chin, located on the center of the neck.

Adjust the collar strap so that it is snug enough that you can only fit one finger behind the contact points.

The collar should move with the skin, not over the top of it when you attempt to shift the collar gently from side to side.
Recheck the fit of the collar after 10 minutes.

Mark the collar at least 2 inches past the slide buckle. Allow additional length if your pet is not fully grown.
Remove the collar from your pet and trim the strap.
Seal the cut end of the strap with a lighter or clear glue to prevent fraying.
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