How to Fit My PetSafe® Training Collar to My Dog


Proper fit and placement of the collar are imperative for effective training and use. The contact points must have direct contact with your dog’s skin.

Fit collar stand and sitFit collar stand and sit

Have your dog stand comfortably. He should remain standing while fitting the collar.

Do and dont fitDo and dont fit

Position the collar as high as possible on your dog’s neck and slightly to either side, not directlycentered.

Dog collar under fingerDog collar under finger

Buckle the collar so that it fits snugly. You should only be able to fit one finger between the strap and your dog’s neck. This will help ensure the contact points are touching your dog’s skin.

  • If your dog has a long or thick coat, you may need to trim the hair around the contact points to ensure contact with the skin.

Check the fit again after your dog becomes more comfortable wearing it and adjust as necessary.

You may choose to trim the excess strap. Make sure to leave enough length to easily fasten the collar and to allow room for growth or a thicker winter coat.

Do not leave the collar on your dog longer than 12 hours.

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