How to Create a Fence on My PetSafe® Guardian® GPS + Tracking System

If you want to edit a current fence, visit How To Edit a Fence on My PetSafe® Guardian® GPS + Tracking System.

If you want to delete a fence, visit How To Delete a Fence on My PetSafe® Guardian® GPS + Tracking System.

You need to set up your collar(s) and subscription(s) before creating a fence.

For more information on setting up collars, visit How To Onboard and Setup My PetSafe® Guardian® GPS + Tracking System.

For more information on setting up your subscriptions, visit How To Set Up a Subscription for My PetSafe® Guardian® GPS + Tracking Collars.

Don’t forget to click on Fences and assign your pet(s) to the appropriate fence before letting your pets out. For more information, visit How To Assign to or Remove a Pet from a Fence on My PetSafe® Guardian® GPS + Tracking System.

Creating a Fence

  • You can create up to 20 fences.
  • Each collar can run on a different fence if desired.
Fence (Empty State)Fence (Empty State)

In the PetSafe® app, click on Fences, then the (+) in the upper right-hand corner.

Name FenceName Fence

Name the fence.

Follow the on-screen prompts to enable location services. It is important to allow the app to use your location or you will not be able to create a fence.

 No Posts and Draw Fence Boundary Complete No Posts and Draw Fence Boundary Complete

Tap a spot on the map to place your first fence post.

  • Tap to add a fence post.
  • Press and drag on a fence post to move it.
  • Tap an existing fence post to remove it.
  • Press the back arrow symbol on the top left to undo.
  • Press the forward arrow symbol on the top left to redo.
  • Press the trash can symbol on the top left to start over.
  • Tap the first point to complete your fence.

Things to Keep in Mind When Setting up Your Fence

  • You must have a minimum of 4 fence posts and a maximum of 32 fence posts for a fence boundary. Keep your boundaries simple! Make sure to have as few fence posts as possible. For example, for each straight line on your boundary, keep it to 2 fence posts, the starting post and the end post. Excessive posts may lead to issues with the location of the boundary.
Range Around Two Story HomeRange Around Two Story Home
  • Digital fence posts must be placed at least 25 feet per story away from any structure. For example, to create a boundary that encloses a one-story detached garage and a two-story house, you would need to place digital fence posts at least 25 feet away from the garage and at least 50 feet away from the house.
  • Opposing lines of digital fence posts must be at least 35 feet away from one another to avoid creating areas too narrow for your dog to pass through without being corrected.
  • Whenever possible, place digital fence posts in areas with a clear view of the sky. This allows the collar to receive GPS data more quickly.
  • If your dog is allowed in the house or garage, the boundary must surround the house or garage.
  • To ensure your pet’s safety, place all digital fence posts at least 25 feet away from any roads or other dangerous areas.
  • If a physical fence exists along the desired boundary, place the digital fence posts at least 10 feet outside of the physical fence. This allows your dog the most usable area inside the physical fence.

For more information on testing your collar on the boundary, visit How to Test My PetSafe® Guardian® GPS + Tracking Fence Collar for Correction.

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