How to Change the Correction Levels on My PetSafe® Guardian® GPS + Tracking Fence Collar

Remove the collar from the pet.

Keep the collar near your phone. Do not place the collar on the charger. It must be off the charger to update the correction level.

Open the My PetSafe® App on your phone.

Main SettingsMain Settings

Go to Settings, then tap on Collars.

Collars and Connected Collars - SpecificCollars and Connected Collars - Specific

Select your desired pet’s collar, then tap Change Correction.

Change Correction Modal and Searching For CollarChange Correction Modal and Searching For Collar

Ensure that your collar has Bluetooth connection.

If not, try reconnecting by ensuring your phone’s Bluetooth is turned on and the collar is off. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds. The collar will beep low to high, and the collar LED will glow blue, then slowly blink yellow, indicating it is in Bluetooth pairing mode.

Correction Settings ChangedCorrection Settings Changed

Select the correction type as Static, then use the (+) and (–) buttons to adjust to the desired level. Make sure to tap Save.

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