Happy Ride® Dog Zipline Set Up


Welcome to your new Happy Ride® Dog Zipline!

What to Expect:

Acclimation time will vary for each dog.

Have treats available during the training process.

The Zipline is designed for use with a pet harness only.

Step 1: Prepare


Zipline strap

Zipline tether

Ways to Use


Grab handle anchors


Car latch anchors

Step 2: Install


Attach each hook to a stable anchor point.


Adjust the zipline strap until it is stretched tightly between both anchor points.


Clip the zipline leash to your dog’s harness.

Important: Use a harness. Do not clip the zipline leash to a collar.


Adjust the length to reduce or increase your dog’s range of motion.

Step 3: Train

Acclimation times for training in the car vary with each dog. Put a harness on your dog and follow these tips to help make your dog comfortable in the car.

Start with five to ten minute sessions in a parked car to introduce your dog to the zipline. Give your dog time to acclimate to the restraint before driving the car in short sessions.

Connect your dog to the zipline. Encourage him to move around the vehicle and reward with treats.

Take longer drives once your dog is comfortable being restrained in the car.

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